Wappler 4.0.0 Beta 6 Released

Wappler 4.0.0 Beta 6 Released

Go get it from https://wappler.io/beta/

Latest stable 3.9.9 is still available
You can use both at the same time

What’s New

This week we are getting more in to the new and upcoming features of Wappler 4!
So please welcome the new Server Connect Editor!

Now you can open any Server Connect API action in a separate tab editor. This offers you great flexibility in editing Server Connect actions visually on much larger canvas.
You can also work on multiple Server Actions simultaneously and save them when needed, just like any files your are working on.

Server Connect works as you are used to it, but you can now open the action for extended editing with the “Edit in Editor” icon from the toolbar or by double clicking.
Note this is still an early preview, so test it and provide us with feedback.

On the components side, we have extended the Stripe Connector to include special advanced properties for each Server Connect Action to allow you to use custom Stripe Connect account or API key.

And last but not least we have greatly improved the stability and our error reporting and logging.
So you should see a good speed improvement and no more crashes or delays!

NEW: Server Connect Actions Editor

Stripe Connector


Fixed issues

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