About the Bugs category
Report any bugs related to custom modules and formatters for Wappler.
Custom extension (node, server) can't pass 0?
Got a very simple extension: const randomize = require('randomatic'); exports.randomatic = function (options, name) { // Parse the 'text input' - if nothing is used, set to 'null' let patter…
Extension bug? data picker doensn't show up
I think I’m going crazy. Making a quick nodejs server extension… I just need 2 inputs: pattern and length This is in my .hsjon: { name: 'pattern', optionName: 'pattern',…
Hi there Wappler community, Since the last Wappler update (4.9.0) the login popup is allways appearing. I have a valid subscription!
Custom Module Conditional Items Show Up Incorrectly
Hi, We just released a new custom module for File Upload on server side. We have lots on controls for user input, which are shown/hidden based on values of other input. We have seen that the Wappler…