Does anyone have problems with their sites on Windows 7?

I have been working on this particular site for 2 years now and I get very frustrated with some of the feedback from the client. Most of the time it seems to be because of cache issues. He has got into the habit of pressing Ctrl-F5 every 5 minutes!

Over the last couple of weeks I have been making changes and he keeps coming back to me saying that things don’t work. I have updated files, even manually adding a URL parameter like '?vers=123' etc to try to get around the cache issue.

This morning I decided to go to his offices and see for myself (again!). He’s right, on his machine I went to the site, updated some data through an update form and the changes were not saved. There were no console errors.

I then went on to other machines in his office, this time ALL of them saved the changes correctly! WHAT!?! I spent 2 hours checking and double checking.

None of the machines are new, in fact I don’t think any are younger than 8 years old. They are not quick, some are excruciatingly slow. But the difference between the boss’s machine and the others is that his is still running Windows 7. All the others are Windows 10. All machines (including the Windows 7 machine) are 64-bit and vary between 4 and 8Gb RAM, and all running Chrome.

Surely the fact that his machine is Windows 7 cannot be the cause of the troubles, can it?

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