GatsbyJS (ridiculously fast and generic SEO compliant)

we’ve been working on a fairly large ecommerce project, a SPA built with Wappler, which will see the light of the day pretty soon (sneak peak here).

we’ve had severe problems with setting up Google Structured Data (JSON-LD) using native Wappler tools - we had to write custom JS to achieve that. (will share more on this in the coming weeks)

while researching on Javascript SEO, i stumbled upon GatsbyJS.
websites made with Gatsby (showcase here) are ridiculously fast and are full SEO complaint without requiring any JS intervention - so the likes of FB OpenGraph and Twitter Cards are supported on dynamic websites made with Gatsby - which is, to the best of my knowledge, is not currently possible on a SPA website made with Wappler.

now, all the technical stuff that is under the hood - i do not understand that at all!
but Gatsby websites have insane UX.
i guess sooner or later, we will see a visual builder for Gatsby.

the discussion I would like to open here is - how can we make similar websites with Wappler with what Wappler offers currently?
how can Wappler be improved to be able to deliver such a performance which is also SEO compliant out of the box with not just Google, which can read through complex JS, but also the likes of FB OpenGraph which does not process JS.

maybe the answer is quite clear as day - but pardon me for not being technically adept enough to be able to see it - help/guidance appreciated.

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