Has WebAssembly been used by Wappler?

I see GoLang and its growing backend, middleware & frontend libraries for web and computer installed apps. I’ve been reading about GO advantages when piped into a WebAssembly deliverable executable.

Most developers here in this forum know a lot about GoLang and WebAssembly and some have experience using these already. And the rest of us are concerned with future-proofing their skillsets, of course.

Some of the websites that show rankings of “in-demand” development tools for 2023 employment opportunities should be read carefully. Some of these just trust counting search engine strings to rank “learn this” recommendations.

I am believing now that GO(Lang) and WebAssembly are going to exponentially grow in demand over the next 3 years for excellent reasons.

Developers can use their preferred combination of Javascript Node, Typescript, Python, Go, C#, C, Rust, and C+, Etc, Etcetera… that are compiled to a Wasm file that can be used to develop & deploy device-independent web applications.

Already convincing examples are Figma, the popular online design application for creating sophisticated mock-ups, and Google Earth, Google’s 3D mapping service.

Running at near native speed in Windows & IOS Browsers but NOT relying on the Chrome engine.

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