How Fast Can You Build Apps? And Career Advice for a Newbie Developer

My experience of development is limited to using Filemaker to build apps and duck taping things together with WordPress, Zapier, ect.

What made me interested in learning Wappler is while Filemaker is great for internal business apps, in it, the web isn’t a first class citizen, and building a SAAS company out of is totally out of scope.

I was looking for the equivalent of what Filemaker offered but for the Web. I initially stumbled onto Bubble before joining here.

I’m still extremely green to Wappler but it looks very promising.

But beyond Wappler I’ve also considered picking up traditional development. And the pros and cons of each.

Does Wappler Really 2-10x Your Productivity?

One thing that is very promising to me is how fast people say they can develop in Wappler. That was always a plus for me with working with Filemaker. Even with my limited coding skills I could bash something together and hook it up to any API I wanted imaginable in short order and have something useful that our small business could use to solve everyday problems.

For the most experienced devs with a traditional coding background, has Wappler really 2-10x sped up your workflow?

How would you rate your traditional coding skills before picking up Wappler? Do you think a better programmer could keep up with your development speed with just raw coding even though you have Wappler?

Are there projects where you’d consider forgoing Wappler and build something out with a tradional coding tech stack? Where are the edge cases?

If I wanted to pick up traditional coding, how would that best be paired with learning Wappler. Where and how are you using traditional coding in your Wappler projects? Ect.

I’m looking to be able to rapidly develop solutions for the company I work for and put personal side projects together but also expanding my development skills as much as humanly possible in the next 3-5 years.

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