Is Wappler a garage?

Is Wappler a garage?

We all know the stories of great companies that started in a garage or a small space and then became multi-million dollar brands.

Most of the great inventions were born in places where the developer (s) can unleash their creativity, from a garage, a park bench or even a bathroom like Doc Brown and his flux capacitor :wink:

Nowadays, computers are very powerful, even those for civil use, everyone is a consumer of content but many have also become producers, which leads to the term prosumer (producer + consumer). From YouTube channels, games, blogs to complex programs like Facebook and so on.

Every day there are new and better tools that encourage people to be a prosumer. Now, are these tools powerful enough to create tech monsters that move fortunes around the world?

Returning to Wappler, our beloved modern garage, with powerful tools like PHP, NodeJs, Server Connect, App Connect, etc. is it powerful enough to be able to create a project that can then scale from a simple webapp to a robust application with millions of users? Or is it limited by its own technology and way of working to small and medium projects that, if successful, should be re-done from scratch? Is it just a matter of finding servers with more capacity?

Is the sky or the ceiling the limit with Wappler?

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