Lightrun Developer Tool

I’ve been reading about this company in reference to several products I already use. Lightrun. A new way of helping developers see how their code is behaving.

The company is the first to bring “shift left” observability, giving developers deeper insights into running applications by allowing them to insert logs, metrics and traces and more during runtime. Boasting the richest set of observability pillar tools for observing applications directly from within the IDE,

With a free version coming.

“Developers need good ways to know how the code they have written is behaving and they don’t necessarily want to deal with operational tools. Our tool is the best way for a developer to understand how an application is behaving, to monitor it and to debug it.”

Lightrun will soon also be releasing a free version of its product in order to grow its community. “We are a developer’s best friend. There isn’t any other tool like us on the market because we are really part of the toolset used by developers. We are in their code editor and in their terminal and allow them to receive any information they need on the application,” said Peleg. “I think that today with the digital transformation everyone is talking about, developers are being given more power and we need to make sure that these developers aren’t being left behind and that they have the tools that will provide them with access to the information they need while working remotely.

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