My Top-30 flow killers in Wappler. What would be yours?

There is the “Flow”. It is a state of work, when everything goes perfect. It is when you feel like the tools you use are an extension of your mind. You think about something – and instantly implement this. You do one thing, then another, then another – all this goes quick, easy and naturally. You see all the information you need, and have no distractions. Your mind is clean, you calm, you know what you are doing. You are in the creative drive.

And there are flow killers. These are annoying obstacles that break your Flow or just prevent you from going to that state. This can be some annoying bugs and errors. Or it can be some excess moves and clicks that take your time. Or when you need to manually search for something. Or when you don’t know what button you need to click. Or it can be situations when you need to take a pause to remember what context you are in now. Eventually, you feel frustrated and confused.

So, the Flow is our bro, and flow killers are stinkers.

There are many flow killers all around the Wappler.
So I decided to make a public list of the flow killers that irritate me the most. It is not all requests I created or voted for. There are only ones that really affect my everyday work in Wappler.

And I encourage you to join me in this initiative!
There are some reasons for this:

To be honest, my ultimate goal here is that we all together will be able to convince the Wappler Team to balance the 2023 roadmap so it will include more UI/UX improvements. So the focus would be on quality, not quantity. I’m speaking not only about “week/sprint of UI/UX improvements”, but a whole month dedicated to it. Or maybe it is worth marking the whole 2023 year as the year of better work flow in Wappler. Because there are some simple FRs that have waited for years already. I can’t imagine how much collective time it would save if it were implemented early.

Before we start, few subjective notes:

Here we go! :sunglasses:


  1. A way to keep all wappler elements in sync if one of them is modified. Refactoring QoL

  2. Instant inline editing for data binding input

  3. Keyboard Support For Various Popups
    (particularly in my case I need it for quick close of popup panels by press “Enter” on the keyboard)

  4. Better drag-n-drop UI when you want to place node between others

  5. Quick tab/file refresh (back to saved version)


  1. Wappler updates keep wiping out Redis from package.json


  1. Code tab by default in the Data Bindings panel (optional)

  2. Add more formatting to the visual expression editor
    (particularly, return the spaces)


  1. Show properties panel under the current node

  2. Better visual grouping for nodes in Server Actions and Flow Editor
    (I have a awesome new idea and I hope to present it soon)

  3. Improve Wappler’s validation when working with server actions
    (and in flows too)

  4. Ability to reduce height of the properties panel in the Flow Editor


  1. Conversion of Normal Server Action to Library Action

  2. Double-click Exec step to open underlying library action

  3. Output for debugging only

  4. Different colors for icons in library actions


  1. App Structure Component Filter

  2. Search Box on App Structure , Server Connect and Dom Panel

  3. Context menu for App Structure

  4. App Structure Window: Expansion and Contraction Only When Clicking on Expand/Contact Arrow Icons

  5. Preserve App Structure state/view after drag-n-drop or delete

  6. “Group” component for grouping non-html elements on page


  1. Dynamic Events Buttons — show which option currently is active

  2. Make Server Actions editable from picker


  1. Local option for resources such as Calendar, Summernote, Tagify etc


  1. Pre-fill database migration description


  1. Improve selecting columns, rows and containers in Design View

PS: I withdrew the last 3 but I still left Top-30 in title for a nice number. :sweat_smile:

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