The Javascript Based Site v Wordpress Debate

Hi all…

Can I just put something out there as I am curious… I’ve just had a look at this article and also some interesting facts here -

Basically its talking about the popularity of Wordpress as a CMS. I’ve used Wordpress and find it much easier to use than coding. Definitely easier than Wappler, but I am a newbie here so we cannot compare.

My question is, given the popularity of Wordpress and the Learning curve of other Web Application Development, why would someone opt to use say Wappler over Wordpress and why does everyone frown or look down at a Wordpress site… (my experience when mentioning in conversations)

Thinking about this I’m thinking the following…

1 - Constant need to update WP and any Plugins - i.e. can lead to security/hacks
2 - Many plugins are subscription based, therefore a running cost involved

But this against say wappler, what’s to say that a Wappler site (i.e. Javascript) cannot also be hacked or exploited.

So I am curious to know what is it that protects Javascript against something like Wordpress.

Just curious… Please don’t shoot me down, I am very new to this kind of approach.


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