Tools to test email based processes

Hi guys,


I just wanted to share with you a little neat service with a free tier. As you probably know I’m embarked on the mission to automate my app tests. As I am running a solo operation here I can’t afford manual testing or hiring.

I am currently using Cypress framework and I hit a block when trying to test email workflows. I couldn’t automate my tests if they depended on me going to my inbox, checking emails and clicking links in them. I wasn’t happy either by using a personal mailbox.

So I stumbled upon this SAAS company that provides full functional mail inboxes for testing purposes via API and web UI. The free tier is just about enough for my testing needs at the moment.

Just a word of advice. The limits are based on API calls, not storage. So if you get 50 mailboxes a month that means that you can make 50 API calls to create mailboxes. It doesn’t mean that you can call the service ad infinitum as long as you keep less than 50 active mailboxes(by deleting previous ones).

I learned this the hard way :slight_smile:

I had to wait for my limits to reset to integrate again with cypress. As you can imagine running automated tests on every change and creating a new inbox every times it runs can consume quickly your free tier.

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