Wappler User Gatherings on Zoom! - Proposal for First Gathering on Thursday 14th May

Hello fellow Wapplers…

Well after some time thinking about this, I have decided I would like to be the catalyst for starting some real, live and interactive Wappler User Gatherings on Zoom.

The General Proposal

We meet every 2 weeks, probably varying the specific day and time on each occasion to fit in as many people as possible.

We have a 2 hour format, which is broken into 3-4 specific Sections each of around 20-30 minutes.

The first Section is generally about us all getting to know each other more… then the following sections are deep diving into the topic at hand. There is a short wrap-up section at the end.

Call Management
Someone on the call is acting like the chair person to manage the proceedings, keeping things on time and making sure there is fairness and balance in the interactions. I have a fair amount of experience in doing this, and am happy to take on this role initially.

The First Gathering

Here is my proposal!

I propose the first gathering is on Thursday 14th May, starting at:
UK: 8pm
Central Europe: 9pm
West Coast USA: 12pm midday.
Australia: Hopefully not too early in the morning! :slight_smile:

The Big Topic
:rocket: DATABASE MIGRATION! :rocket:
The news of what will be centre stage in Wappler 3.0 is going to bring many questions on a most fundamental topic! So let’s dive in at the deep end with a detailed discussion about the methods available for taking our newly polished test database schema and applying it to our production environment.

I’m looking for 4 people to volunteer to make a 15 minute presentation on the following topics, and then host up to 5 minutes of questions:

• Database Migration - what are the key issues from a simple, new-to-app-building perspective
• Database Migration - Capabilities and Limitation with Navicat
• Database Migration - Capabilities and Limitation with Gh-ost
• Database Migration - Capabilities and Limitation with Wappler 3.0

Some other key questions

Best wishes,

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