YouTube Video Training on Project

Hi guys, I am pretty sure most of you are aware that I have done some YouTube training videos when Wappler was still in it’s beta stages. Now I am busy working on the next.

So a couple questions to see what people actually would like to see.

  1. Firstly, it has been suggested by George that I try to rather make shorter videos just showing a single concept at a time.
    In theory I love this idea, however that is the same way the DMXZone videos have all been done, and to be very honest when i get to a video that says, we won’t show you this step because we already did in a previous video, and i have to stop and go searching, it drives me nutty.

  2. Should I show the entire process from start to finish?
    I personally like to see every single step of the process to get from point A to point Z of a project, my worst thing in a training set is when they say we will not show this as it goes beyond the scope of this tutorial, but I can rather choose to watch what I feel I need to and skip what i don’t. That means showing how I created the database, showing what my database structural thinking was, showing my cPanel setup, the project creation in Wappler, setting up my targets, etc.

  3. I would like to as far as possible use the design view mainly, as this is what Wappler is all about.
    The issue with this is that you do not get to see the code as there is no split view option in Wappler as yet. If I show the code throughout the build here and there and you can pause and read what you want, would that be sufficient?

What I would like to do myself is create an entire video training set of how I did an entire website from start to finish, so start with.

  1. Here is the finished product with a demo on how it all works.
  2. Here is my cPanel and ftp user created, and file manager, and database initial setup.
  3. Here is my initial database flow chart and why i have done it like that.
  4. Here is me creating the database from start to finish.
  5. Here is how I setup the project in Wappler, directories, targets, etc.
  6. How I make my first page from start to finish, then the next, and next, and so forth until the project is complete.

I would also like to show the problems i hit in Wappler along the way, and how I get around them generally in code view, so not just fix the issues in the background or avoid using elements that I know might cause trouble.
Because I would like to make use of longer videos, what I could also do is use annotations in YouTube to different videos or to jump to a time in the video, so when I am showing the database creation, have an annotation to skip to the next step. And then in the video description I could have a kind of index to find the right step in the training.

Please post your ideas or comments / views on what you would like to see so I can try to help the new user, and the more experienced user alike wherever possible. If you are happy to just let me do it the way I have described above, just like the post so i know.

  • Do the training as you like.
  • Make the videos as short as possible even if you skip through parts.
  • Make the video as long as you like and i will skip what i do not need.
  • Make the video as long as you like with annotation links.
  • Make the video as long as you like with annotation links and a video description table of contents/index.
  • Other, as per my comments I am posting in this thread.
  • Don’t bother making video training, we will rather wait for official Wappler ones.

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