Adding Typing Animation

You can add an animated typing effect to your pages (just as on the Wappler Homepage), using the Typed Component in Wappler. It can be added as a prefix or suffix in your headings, links or paragraphs.

We are going to add it as a suffix to a heading on our page. First, select the heading:

Scroll down the properties panel and you will see the Typed component. Click the add button:

Its properties appear as soon as you add it:

Select a position - prefix or suffix:

Then add the strings to be typed in the heading:

You can add as many strings as you need.

When you add your strings, setup the speed and delay options:

After we setup the speed and delay options for typing and backspace, let’s setup the rest of the options. Enable or disable the ones you need:

That’s how easy it is to use the Typed Component in Wappler:

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