Wappler Extensibility - App Connect UI Controls Reference

There are many attributes for the properties that specify how to display and where to store the chosen value.

For each group of UI input options you can have multiple variables with the following structure:

{ name: 'compName', attribute: 'id', title: 'ID', 
  type: 'text', required: true, defaultValue: ''},

General Properties

with general properties like:

Key Type Description
name text, required an unique name for your input variable on the UI
attribute text, optional save the value in a html attribute with specified name
title text, required the prompt for the variable on the UI
type text, required the input variable display type, see display types
required boolean, optional is the input required
defaultValue text/boolean, optional the default value for this input
help text, optional the help text describing this input

For the text fields you can specify extra picker to be displayed next to the fields

Picker Properties

Key Type Description
dataBindings boolean, optional display a data bindings picker next to the input for easy data, pickup. This also makes your control a visual expression tag editor
actionsPicker boolean, optional display a actions picker together with inline flow next to the input for easy data. If noFlowPicker is specified it won’t display the flow picker
routePicker boolean, optional display a route picker next to the input for easy data
iconsPicker boolean, optional display a icons picker next to the input for easy data

Store and Retrieve Value

There are many options to select what to do with the chosen value or where to get it from.

Using HTML Attribute

Key Type Description
attribute text, optional save and retrieve the value in a html attribute with specified name
hasAttribute text, optional save and retrieve the value as specified attribute name. Can also provide values for multiple values
attributeStartsWith text, optional match an attribute that starts with specified prefix, use isValue, isAttribute, isModifiers to match a specific part as value
isValue text, optional used in combination with attributeStartsWith to match the value of the attribute
isAttribute text, optional used in combination with attributeStartsWith to match the part after : from the attribute name as value
isModifiers text, optional used in combination with attributeStartsWith to match the part after . from the attribute name as value

Using Class Name or Style

Key Type Description
className text, optional save and retrieve the value in class attribute with specified name. If multiple values are specified in the values as single choice then all other will be removed and the selected added.
styleProperty text, optional save and retrieve the value in style attribute with specified name.

Setting node Position within Parent

Key Type Description
nodePosition text, optional specify first or last to move the node as first or as last child in its parent

Changing Tag name

Key Type Description
tagName text, optional set the tagName of the node. Usually specified as dropdown choice of available tags

HTML Inner

Key Type Description
inner text, optional save and retrieve the value as inner html of the component node
innerText text, optional save and retrieve the value as inner text of the component node
firstText text, optional save and retrieve the value as first text node of the component node
firstTextOrSpan text, optional save and retrieve the value as first text or span node of the component node
lastText text, optional save and retrieve the value as last text node of the component node

Multi Value

Key Type Description
separator text, optional when using multiple values, store them with this text as separator. Default comma.

Store as JS Object

Key Type Description
objectKey text, optional threat the attribute value as js object and save and retrieve the value as specified key name.

Script and includes

Key Type Description
scriptInclude text, optional specify that the value is a script include tag that should be linked.
includeParam text, optional specify that the value is an query param to add to the include when scriptInclude is used
script text, optional threat the value as js script object. Generated as inner node. used when the component node is script tag by itself to set its content
styleInclude text, optional specify that the value is a CSS include tag that should be linked.

Working Node Selection

All the above actions are to be applied on the component node itself. However there are some situations that you want to apply the value to a child node or a different root node. Use the following fields to specify

Key Type Description
selector text, optional specify that the actions are to be applied to a child than matches this CSS selector.
rootSelector text, optional specify that the actions are to be applied to a root element than matches this CSS selector.
prev text, optional specify that the actions are to be applied to prev sibling of the selected node.
next text, optional specify that the actions are to be applied to next sibling of the selected node.

Display Types


Type Description
text display text input
textarea display textarea
boolean display checkbox
number display number only input
numberorstring display number or string input
file choose a file
folder choose a folder
static not an input control but just a static text - use .help field to specify contents
droplist an advanced dropdown select control, see advanced types below*
enum an advanced multiselect control, see advanced types below*

Special controls

Type Description
range an advanced range control, see advanced types below*
color generic color picker
fontpicker font name picker

CSS Related controls

Type Description
css_checkbox css input checkbox
css_text css input text
css_url css url input text
css_color css color picker
css_select css select input control. use values for the multi values
css_easing css easing picker
css_toggle css toggle control
css_size css size control
css_size2 css size alternative control
css_time css time control
css_angle css angle control
css_gradient css gradient control
css_radius css radius control
css_layout css layout control
css_border css border control
css_border2 css border alternative control
css_spacing css spacing control
css_selector css selector control
css_background css background control

Multi Values

You can use also advanced display controls like dropdowns and multiple selectors Usually you specify the values as nested array of objects with title and value.


    name: 'elementRounding',
    title: 'Rounding',
    type: 'droplist',
    defaultValue: '',
    className: true,
    values: [
        {title: 'Default', value: ''},
        {title: 'All', value: 'rounded'},
        {title: 'Top', value: 'rounded-top'},
        {title: 'End', value: 'rounded-end'},
        {title: 'Bottom', value: 'rounded-bottom'},
        {title: 'Start', value: 'rounded-start'},
        {title: 'Circle', value: 'rounded-circle'},
        {title: 'None', value: 'rounded-0'}

You can however specify different sources for values. Like specify what css selector to execute in valuesSelector and which attribute from the resulted nodes to get in valuesSelectorAttribute
You can also specify valuePrefix a static string to add before the value


	name: 'ToggleTargetCollapse',
	title: 'Collapse',
	type: 'droplist',
	defaultValue: '',
	attribute: 'data-bs-target',
	valuePrefix: '#',
	valuesSelector: '.collapse',
	valuesSelectorAttribute: 'id',
	values: [
		{ title: 'None', value: ''}

Range fields


  name: 'elementBorderWidth', className: true, title: 'Width', type: 'range',
 		defaultValue: '', initValue: '-1',
 		min: 0, max: 5,
 		showLabels: true, showTicks: false,
  values: {
      '0': { value: '', title: 'Default', label: 'D'},
      '1': { value: 'border-1', title: '1px', label: '1px' },
      '2': { value: 'border-2', title: '2px', label: '2px' },
      '3': { value: 'border-3', title: '3px', label: '3px' },
      '4': { value: 'border-4', title: '4px', label: '4px' },
      '5': { value: 'border-5', title: '5px', label: '5px' }

Conditional Fields

Sometimes you need to show and hide some fields depending on chosen values of others.
So with the droplist field for example you can easily specify for each choice which fields to show or hide:

{ name: 'oauth_service', attribute: 'service', title: 'Service', 
  type: 'droplist', 
  values: [
    {title: 'Google', value: 'google', show:['oauth_key', 'oauth_url'], hide:[] },
    {title: 'Facebook', value: 'facebook', show:[], hide:['oauth_key', 'oauth_url'] },
    {title: 'Instagram', value: 'instagram', show:[], hide:['oauth_key', 'oauth_url'] },
    {title: 'Default', value: '', show:[], hide:['oauth_key', 'oauth_url']}
  ], defaultValue: '',
	help: 'Choose your OAuth2 Provider.'
{ name: 'oauth_key', attribute: 'key', title: 'Api Key', 
  type: 'text', defaultValue: '', initDisplay: 'none'},
{ name: 'oauth_url', attribute: 'url', title: 'URL', 
  type: 'text', defaultValue: '', initDisplay: 'none'},

Here only when Google is chosen, we display the additional two field otherwise they are just hidden - also initially with initDisplay option.

Color modifiers

Key Description
comp-flows color for flows
comp-errors color for errors
comp-data color for data elements
comp-loops color for loop actions
comp-general general color
comp-settings color for settings
comp-exec color for executions
comp-dialogs color for dialogs
comp-files color for files and operations
comp-images color for images
comp-security color for security
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