Allow custom Flow components

@George , thank you for taking time to discuss this topic with us. I reviewed the Cordova plugins. It appears those plugins are only used to enable native functionality in mobile devices. Unfortunately, that does not help with my use case. I realize what I am attempting to do appears to be an edge case, but maybe there is bigger idea that could come out of it.

How will Flow allow me to parse emails? Email parsing is a fairly complex process and typically requires using some open source component/package to achieve. Both php and node.js have such packages, but whatever solution I use has to run on the client.

I wonder if a functionality similar to Bubble’s Plugin Editor would be helpful. Essentially it allows developers to build plugins that hook into Bubble’s workflow builder. As an example, here are some screenshots from the Mailparser I created, which I then used to parse email data from gmail 's API in a Bubble workflow. If we could do similar functions with Server Connect and Flow, I think that would really open up additional possibilities for Wappler.

  1. Step one is to install the npm package for mailparser
  2. Step two is to define the input fields for the workflow to push data into the plugin. I only needed one input to accept the RFC 2822 formatted and base64url encoded string provided by gmail for each email.
  3. Step 3 was to define Return Value fields that will be available in Bubble’s workflow (these match fields the MailParser provides from a RFC 2822 formatted and base64url encoded string, which represents an email message)
  4. Step 4 was to connect the parsed fields to the defined fields in Step 3
  5. Step 5 is to use the plugin in workflow

    Notice all of the “Result of Step 3 (simpleParse)'s …”)
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