Allow Dynamic Selection of DB Connection Params

the DB host, port, user, password and DB can be hardcoded only as of now.

would like for these data points to be allowed to select from ENV variables.

we do not want to set it up via target coz those targets are still visible to all devs who have access to the git repo - if it is part of ENV variables, then we can secure the access of credentials to only those who have access to PROD environment, not all devs. working a team and large projects makes this imperative for us!

we tried to replace these values with {{$_ENV.var_name}} directly in the JSON file for DB conn. that works as expected actually at run time.

however, it breaks Wappler UI itself - we can no longer work with queries/steps that connect with DB to show the list of tables and schema of those tables.
would like for this to work without breaking Wappler!

if selecting from ENV is allowed on DB Conn Options natively within Wappler, it’ll be very convenient. we do not wish to hack our way through setting this up and taking care with each deployment.

please consider this.

thank you.

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