[Another Request Attempt] : Action Builder for dynamic html element


This is my another attempt to request for this feature.

Usage case: Let say I want to use App Connect to trigger Dynamic Event when onClick button with id=“id-1” , but the button is a dynamic button that will only available on doc ready, not a predefined button that I can use Wappler UI to set the dynamic event initially. Here is where I think such UI functionality is needed.

Another usage case is that, developer can set custom function based on App Connect that is reusable to many elements without having to duplicate the step for each element. For example by setting a custom attribute or by using class to select and trigger the element.

Currently I can use jquery to achieve the above. Just pushing the idea so that it can be done just by using App Connect and Wappler graphical user interface.

Made a simple mockup for ice breaking. What do you guys think?

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