AppConnect emmet-style hints and autocompletion in code view

Hi, I have been working with Wappler for more than two years now and I have become very familiar with its visual interface but even more with its Appconnect framework to the point that I don’t like to develop if I don’t see the code continuously, that was one of the reasons why today i have a 4k monitor.
Going back to the reason for this topic, I often see myself writing the code by hand than using the visual interface, not because I don’t like using it but because sometimes I enjoy learning and using the framework directly in the code view.
I think it is good practice for two reasons:

  1. You understand better what happens when you press different buttons on the interface.
  2. By having a better understanding of how the framework works we can better adapt it to our needs when the visual interface falls short, let’s be honest it happens a lot. :grimacing::wink:

So, my request is that there should be emmet-style hints and autocompletion when for example we writes dmx -… like dmx-serverconnect, dmx-bind, dmx-on, etc.

In this way, those of us who write the code directly gain not only in speed but also that we have more at hand the possibilities that this great framework has. I think this way you may attract others to experiment and discover features that they have not seen or used until now.

As always, everyone is free to comment on my idea and improve it.

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