Can the property names of a 'response' server action, and the appconnect 'lastError' properties be the same

More than 2 years of nearly daily use of Wappler, and I still get confused every day because of the naming of these properties:

  1. In server connect, the response action looks like this:

  2. In appconnect, when selecting a server action’s ‘lastError’ property, it looks like this:

Now most of the time, I want to show this ‘Text’ on my page.
To do so, I need to select the 'response like this: image

However, I naturally always select ‘message’ because that’s what I just wrote under ‘Text’ in the server action: a message to show to the user.

Easy fix would be to name them the same.

So either client side it becomes: lastError.text or in the server action step it becomes Response

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