Default Projects folder

I frequently switch between the project I’m working on and one or more pevious projects - to see how I did something or to copy some code etc. Bringing up the list of Projects instantly, with a keyboard shortcut, works very well. However, there is a problem that the default list of projects will never be the one I want, because I use folders. The Projects list defaults to the top level, so if you put projects into folders, it will always be empty.

It would be great if the list/folder which appears is the last one you were viewing.

A related request: typically when switching between projects - eg for reference etc - you are switching backwards and forwards to one other project. It would be really useful if there were a quick way to do this (eg a keyboard shortcut). The above request would help of course, but this would be a useful additional option - and might go a little way towards a solution for those requesting the ability to run multiple Wappler instances (which I understand will not be an option).

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