FullCalendar Scheduler (Premium)

With the new integrated FullCalendar built into Wappler, I would like to make an official request to see the additional ‘Premium’ plugin Scheduler be added into Wappler.

"FullCalendar “Scheduler” is the name for a collection of premium plugins. There are currently two distinct plugins that provide new views, both of which are good at displaying resources (things that events can be assigned to, like rooms):

Scheduler is a premium product that has different licensing than the standard FullCalendar library."

It can currently be downloaded and used for free under a GPL License as per their website:

“Under the GPL license, you may use Scheduler without charge. You may even modify its source code and redistribute it under the same license. However, there is one big caveat. Any project that leverages Scheduler must be open source . So, if you have a commercial project, and you don’t want its source code to be released publicly, it is best to choose another license. This GPL license is directed towards GPL-compatible open source projects that want to bundle Scheduler.”

Not being an expert, that seems to indicate it could be built into Wappler to use all of its features, and for it then to be left to the end user to sort out any licences required if they were using it in a website/app that fell outside the GPL license.

I would love to see this in Wappler and know other users have also requested Scheduler.

Thanks in advance.

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