Improved Design view to include boostrap element drag and drop and in design manipulation


At the moment the “Design” view while a great start still needs considerable improvement to meet the no code objective and reduce the learning curve for bootstrap UI development.

While it is important to still provide options to dive into the code for those wanting to it is also important to help speed up front end deployment of a Bootstrap layouts, element manipulation, better styling in design view and so much more…


What I am proposing is a bootstrap drag and drop and in-design view manipulation of the bootstrap elements and styles within the bootstrap framework.

For example drag and drop bootstrap prebuilt elements such as the method used here or similar would speed up creating a layout so much faster and is a framework that can e built upon and reduce the need to keep moving between panels, tabs and the bootstrap documentation to find out what is going on and how to achieve the desired look and feel.

Then if you wanted to manipulate further you could jump into the code or select options direct from design view.

It also opens up the options for personal saved design elements, creation of personal library of bootstrap design elements that can be quick reused for your projects.


I acknowledge that traditional coders probably will prefer to be old school, but some of us want to build faster with a lower learning curve so we can get the product out there faster so we can start the real work of building the business. No coders are here to build, deploy and improve, not to code unless they want to.

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