Merge App Structure and DOM views

Would it be possible for the tree to recognize all elements even if it doesn’t translate to a pre-defined Wappler element.

I assume that you guys are working hard to try to add as many as possible. But sometimes there are so many custom options.

I would be happy with just a generic node that allows minimum customization like id and class.

Say I have a generic body(app) and and three nested divs inside the body like this.

Body(app) -> Div(empty) -> Div(custom class) -> Div(Wappler container)

It would be great to see in the tree the following

|_ Div (generic)
|_ Div (generic)
|_ Container

And when clicking on the generic div I am able to view/change the class/id from the properties panel.

Same to the rest of html elements that are not recognised as Wappler elements

Div (generic)
Input (generic)
Form (generic)

Also scripts, css, etc.

To summarize. It would be nice to see absolutely all elements that belong to the page in the tree so we don’t have to jump so much into the code view.

It would facilitate also the conversion of templates for wappler use. Seeing at a glance the elements that need conversion would be a time saver.

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