More Width for Expression Editing and Viewing

I’ve just started using the new expression editor, and in principle I really like it.

However I still need to have the code window open, because that is the only place I can see the actual expression I am dealing with. The “hover over to see the expression” is a nice idea, but doesn’t really help me move through my code as I need to, purely visually.

I guess this may be more of an app versus database powered web site issue… some of my conditions become quite complex and I just need to see them straight away.

So this is a request for two things:

Feature Request 1 - More width available for expression editing and viewing

This could be achieved a few different ways.

  1. Have an optional Expression Viewer / Editor along the complete bottom of the screen, so around here:

  1. Have a button which allows the Properties window and various data binding windows to go wider, like you can with the flow editor

  2. Allow the Properties editing part of windows to grow with the window width… for example in flows and server actions… images below showing the area it would be great to have available.

Feature Request 2 - New Expression Viewing to Adapt to the Width

So I have this example:


In the new expression viewing format, it doesn’t even show me half of the equation, and the name of my variable is truncated… and there is all the real estate to the right which could be used to show the “Condition Properties”… so if this real estate were to be used, then it would be great if these orange boxes could expand too.

In Conclusion

I really want to move further and further away from editing code, and these things would really help!

Best wishes,


====================== When editing Server Actions: =============
It would be amazing if thi window could be made wider… either with the widen thingy in the bottom right hand corner, or with the fill screen icon in the top right…


====================== When editing Flows: ==============

=================== When Editing Actions ==========================

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