Project Level Git Personal Access Token

I use Azure DevOps for storing my project’s Git repository. I have multiple projects in both Wappler and DevOps.
So far, I have been using as option called “Alternate Credentials” which is basically a user/pass way of accessing the remote Git repository.
This is because the Personal Access Token option is set on Wappler installation and not on project level as it should be.

Also, the settings panel says “GitHub PAT”… which leads me to believe other Git providers are probably not supported either.

Azure DevOps have announced they will no longer support alternate credentials starting March 2, 2020.
Blog post:

Please add support for project specific Personal Access Token & support for Azue DevOps token in Wappler’s Git options.
In case I am missing something and I can use project specific PATs, please help me figure out how to do it.

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