PUSH Notification Service Integration with Wappler Cordova (Tutorial?)

Hi @George and all fantastic DMXzone crew and loyals. I don’t know a single line of php code but I have built applications that have changed a lot in my personal life and that of my very numerous customers - all thanks to your ingenuity. Kudos folks.

One problem always sticks up though to make me look like a phony programmer even though Wappler makes me look good.

PNS - User event based Push Notification Service.

I compile pretty cool apps and when my client(s) ask for PNS, I blab. I can’t figure out how to integrate PNS using open source libraries which sometimes requires opening code in Android Studio and tweaking. I am dizzy from that already.

Is it not possible to allow PNS service integrated into Wappler as easy as we access API data and build fantastic applications?

I am not sure where this falls into but I would love an answer or a guideline on how I can have an answer for my clients when they ask for PNS service. I can convince them that PNS is outdated (rolling my eyes) or I could simply integrate PNS and still look like a professional developer - all with your help.


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