Hi - I've used Bubble... am thinking about Wappler

Hi there - I’ve been reading along with the Bubblers who moved to Wappler… Watched Wappler tutorials, read documentation, etc. Parts of Wappler looks amazing.

However… Some things seem (comparably) difficult by comparison. Yes, I’ve read all about the Wappler learning curve. And I’m not generally afraid of steep learning curves. I do not like however a complicated process where a simpler one exists.

Logins are an example. I’ve read the ‘secure login’ tutorials in both forum and documentation. By comparison, it’s insanely complex. Lots of other low code platforms literally have a login ‘modal’ or wf and that’s it. George’s tutorial has 20+ steps. And that’s just to get login up and running, not to cover all use cases.

I don’t want this to come across as criticism - bc it isn’t. It is asking a real question. In particular I am asking Bubblers who have used both?

Is Wappler full of these things that are super easy to do in Bubble but hard in Wappler? I get that Wappler handles lots of things way better than Bubble. And has lots of other strengths as well. But I look at the login flow and think… how many other things are there like this that I never dreamed could be so (comparatively) complicated? Are there lots of these things or only a few? Is it a case of ‘six of one, half a dozen of the other’?

Would really appreciate the help!


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