Apply Seed Datetime Error

Wappler Version : 3.5.1
Operating System : Mac Catalina
Language: nodejs v.12
Server: Docker locally created by Wappler
Database:: mysql v.8.0

Expected behavior

Applying a seed should delete data and insert saved data. Deleting works, inserting does not.

Actual behavior

I receive the following error:

How to reproduce

  1. Create a table in Wappler’s database manager
    (Do not use an existing table if you are testing this!! Data is deleted!!)
  2. Add a Datetime field
  3. Right click on the table and choose View/Edit Data
  4. Click in the Datetime field you created and choose Current Date & Time in the calendar pop-up
  5. Click Save
  6. Close Edit Table Data by clicking on the x in the top right hand corner of the pop-up
  7. Right click on the table you created and click on Create Seed
  8. Name your seed and click create (leave clear previous data selected)
  9. Right click on the seed you just created and select Apply This Seed
  10. Error received
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