Bug Report from aschoijett #2019-10-29_17-9-34

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Problem description

It happened a couple of times that my flex containers disappear. I don’t know if there’s a limitation on how many of them I can have at any time (alas, I’m not even sure that I understand what a flex container is!)

So maybe I should explain first what I’m trying to do. Fundamentally, it is to show or hide a group of fields based on the value of a Select.

I have a modal popup that has a data entry form inside.
There is a select widget that allows the user to select the preferred payment method. There are 3 options for this: NOT SET, CHEQUE, or EFT (electronic funds transfer)

There are 3 “Flex Containers” (fc) that I show or hide based on the value of this Select. the fc_EFT contains fields to input the banking info, required to make a deposit. The fc_CHEQUE contains fields to input the address to which the cheques should be mailed. A third flex container fc_EFFECTIVEDATE contains a field to input the date when the change of preferred payment method s/b processed. This third fc s/b visible except when the Select == “NOT SET”

To boot, I’m not even sure if a flex container is the object that I should use to do this. I tried it and it worked, logic for show/hide included. I tried before them other objects that I thought c/b used to contain the horizontal form groups that have the actual input fields and their labels but for some reason they did not allow me to move the horizontal form groups inside them.

The problem is that a couple of times already, I tried to move fields from one flex container to another and all of a sudden at least one of the flex containers disappears. The contents they had remain in the App Structure (one level up, since their parent is gone) but the container and my nice logic to show / hide them is gone.

I’m not sure this reproducible. I moved may fields several times from one container to another and it worked many times.
If it helps, some of the objects I move are Titles.

Steps to reproduce (Take what follows with a grain of salt. I don’t think this is easily reproducible)

  1. Create a Dynamic Modal
  2. In its body, put a serverconnect form
  3. Generate a BS input form
  4. Change one of the inputs to be a Select
  5. Insert a couple of Flex Containers
  6. Move some of the horizontal form groups to the Flex Containers
  7. Put the logic to show/hide
  8. Create Titles inside one of the Flex Container
  9. Duplicate the title
  10. Move the duplicate to another Flex Container

If you’re lucky, this should trigger the bug.

I truly hope this helps,


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