Checkbox 'success validation' not clearing when used in a repeat

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ========

Wappler Version : 4.0.0
Operating System : Win10
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: PostgreSQL
Hosting Type: Docker

Expected behaviour

When a form is submitted and successful any ‘success validation’ should clear itself almost immediately. This should still happen even if the checkbox input is part of a ‘repeat’

Actual behaviour

If the checkbox is part of repeat (with dynamic IDs and Values so its working correctly for all other reasons) then it should still have its success validation cleared after the form is submitted.

Also, the validation only remains on the first item in the repeat.

So here we have ticked both checkboxes and will save changes (the DB update works as expected)

Then after the form is successful, this is what remains (even after the form is reset)

Here is the code for the checkbox and repeat:

<div class="form-group" id="input1_group" is="dmx-input-group">
   <label for="inp_weekMin">Skill groups</label>
      <div class="custom-control custom-checkbox" dmx-repeat:repeat1="">
         <input class="custom-control-input" type="checkbox" dmx-bind:value="id" dmx-bind:id="'cb_skill_' + id" name="cb_skill" dmx-bind:checked="var_selectedEmpSkills.value.contains(id)">
        <label class="custom-control-label" dmx-bind:for="'cb_skill_' + id" dmx-text="name"></label>

I have tried multiple variations of the repeat but the problem still persists. I have also used a checkbox group, input group etc…all the same result.

If I have a standard multiple checkbox group, with NO REPEAT, then the validation clears itself as normal.

How to reproduce

Info above should provide details to reproduce.

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