Decrypt with password not working on NodeJS (server-side)

Wappler Version : W4 B12
Operating System : Mac M1
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: AWS Docker

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

Using the decrypt formatter on NodeJS should decrypt a previously encrypted piece of data.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

Using the following in a Set Value step

q_getnotes.notesdetails.decrypt(getmemberrefs.dbstring + 'fixedstring')

results in the following error in the browser

message: "data.split is not a function"
stack: "TypeError: data.split is not a function\n    at decrypt (/opt/node_app/lib/formatters/crypto.js:57:37)\n    at /opt/node_app/lib/core/parser.js:667:26\n    at parser (/opt/node_app/lib/core/parser.js:356:19)\n    at Object.parseValue (/opt/node_app/lib/core/parser.js:729:24)\n    at App.parse (/opt/node_app/lib/core/app.js:456:23)\n    at App.setvalue (/opt/node_app/lib/modules/core.js:132:26)\n    at App._exec (/opt/node_app/lib/core/app.js:435:57)\n    at App._exec (/opt/node_app/lib/core/app.js:406:28)\n    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)\n    at async App.exec (/opt/node_app/lib/core/app.js:375:9)"
status: "500"
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