Find/replace problems

Find and replace doesn’t seem to work reliably. I’ve tried many times on a Windows 10 machine and I’m currently using a MacBook Pro - the same problem occurs on both computers.

I usually search first to check what I’m about to replace. This works very well (though it would be great if there were an option to set the current document as the default). I then enter the ‘replace’ text and click Replace All. The process runs quickly and Wappler displays a message - ‘x replacements made in 1 file’. If I then click ‘Find All’ - to search for the replaced text, Wappler indicates ‘no results found’. So everything seems to work smoothly - except no changes are actually made to the file. Perhaps changes are made to a temporary file but not always written to the actual file. Sometimes it works fine; usually it doesn’t.

I just tried again. Everything seemed to work - but no changes were made. I closed and reopened the file - all changes had in fact been made.

If I create several pages which are similar, but have different data sources for example, I often find it quicker to duplicate a page and make a few global find/replaces. Currently I have to do this in a text editor. Not critical, but it would be good to be able to do it within Wappler.

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