Inconsistent behaviour with internal links


Expected behaviour:

  1. I click on a menu item (internal link) in the navigation (on layout)

  2. It loads the content page

  3. It changes the ‘title’ meta tag to whatever I put, for example:
    dmx-bind:title="'Admin - Students overview'"

  4. :x: It works for one link, but not the other.

I expect the tab title to become ‘Admin - Students overview’ when clicking on the ‘overview’ button:

How to reproduce / details

This is the HTML of the link that does NOT change the title:

<a class="menu-link" href="/manage/students/overview" title="An overview of your students" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-trigger="hover" data-bs-dismiss="click" data-bs-placement="right" internal dmx-bind:title="'Admin - Students overview'" dmx-class:active="browser1.location.pathname.startsWith('/manage/students/overview')">

This is the link that DOES change the title:

<a class="menu-link" href="/manage/students/email/automations" internal dmx-bind:title="'Admin - Email automations'" dmx-class:active="browser1.location.pathname.startsWith('/manage/students/email/automation')">

What I noticed is that on the rendered page. The HTML becomes:

<a class="menu-link active" title="" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-trigger="hover" data-bs-dismiss="click" data-bs-placement="right" is="dmx-link" href="/manage/students/overview" data-bs-original-title="Admin - Students overview">

Note the data-bs-original-title="Admin - Students overview"

It’s creating a new HTML tag…

Also, the dmx-bind:title="" is overwriting the title="" wjich bootstrap is using for the text of the tooltip. I’d like to differentiate between these 2…

For example, I want the tooltip to be “An overview of your students” and the Page title to be “Admin - Students overview”.

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