Inline-flow: RunJS - data binding & closing single quote issues

Wappler Version : 2.8.4
Operating System : Mac OSX Catalina v10.15.3

I believe @JonL raised this bug and was closed and hidden from the forum. Looks like multiple args was fixed, the other two below bugs are still unresolved:

When calling RunJS in inline-flow (page-flow works fine),

Here is an example, I have two variables and I’m trying to call on body load, a JS function (inline flow) which console prints both variables.

<body is="dmx-app" id="test" dmx-on:load="run({

runJS: {
	function: 'test',
	args: ['`var_test1.value`, '`var_test2.value`'],
	name: 'test'


<div class=" container">

	<dmx-value id="var_test1" dmx-bind:value="&quot;hello&quot;"></dmx-value>
	<dmx-value id="var_test2" dmx-bind:value="&quot;world&quot;"></dmx-value>

		function test(test1, test2) { 
				console.log(test1 + ', ' + test2);


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