Not able to connect to the remote database

Need help desperately. Here’s the situation.

I have successfully set up two Targets. One “Development” and the other “Production”. I am using Docker MariaDB locally and hosting MariaDB remotely.

In the Development target everything works properly. I am able to view the DB contents in my pages both in Wappler Preview mode and on my local browser.

In the Production target I am UNABLE to view the database results on the same pages as I was able to view locally. The pages just appear without the DB content.

The username and password are identical on both the Production and Development side. I confirmed this by using NAVICAT to connect to both the Production and Development databases. I am able to successfully do queries on the Production server, just as I am able to do the Development server. Data was successfully transferred between the two databases.

In frustration, I changed the passwords in Wappler and updated them in Docker. Then, I change the password on the Production database to match that in Docker. I checked and confirmed the logon username and password for both databases with NAVICAT. I was confirmed that the username and password are correct.

I deleted the entire Production website and used TRANSMIT to copy all files (including hidden files) from Development to Production. I called a page and the table rows would not display.

Next, I checked the files containing the connection strings to make sure they were correct. I found a file that did not update the correct password. The file was:


I made the change to this file, uploaded, and tried again. I was unsuccessful.

Does anyone know where I should be looking? This never happened to me.

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