Stripe: Options should be passed in their own array after $params

Stripe tells us the PHP code generated by Wappler is not properly laid out. The ‘__extra’ array should be separate from the main parameters:

Stripe error message in Dev Tool: "Options found in $params: api_key, stripe_account. Options should be passed in their own array after $params. (HINT: pass an empty array to $params if you do not have any.)"

Could you ensure the params and options of the APIs sent to Stripe are aligned with what Stripe wants to receive? Move ‘__extra’ out of options?

"name": "retrieveCheckoutSession",
        "module": "stripe",
        "action": "retrieveCheckoutSession",
        "options": {
          "session": "{{sessionId}}",
          "__extra": {
            "stripe_account": "{{connectedAcct}}",
            "api_key": "sk_test_51IXXEiBfY9idGe2uHSBjOVy2jueHm8KquCgGUx15N7MPUYm23Q6cNGxKM0qmqBbpNZICqtTdWMVWj6G7MFZ0jKJ000Nf9efTvm"
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