Swiper - strange behaviour when filtering query dynamically

I have put this down as a bug but i am not entirely sure whether i am just expecting too much of the slider component.
I have a basic swiper displaying dynamic elements from a data query. This query returns, among other things, an image link, a UK city name and a description.
These details are displayed within the swiper (i have tried two versions, one with paragraphs and images, one with a card)

I have a text search box which is used to dynamically filter the query. (city contains $_GET.filter)

I can see that filter is working correctly as i have appended a table under the swiper to show the current query data.
As i enter a search term the swiper disappears completely revealing only the table (showing the filter is working correctly)
At this point i assumed that the swiper data source could not be filtered i.e. i was expecting too much from it or that some kind of dynamic refresh was required.

Then i noticed that if i typed a city name the started to backspace deleting some of the term the swiper would suddenly reappear and was filtered on the remaining letters!

So for example i type “london” and the swiper disappears then backspace to “lo” the swiper reappears filtered on “lo”
similarly typing “bourne” then backspacing to “bo” reveals “bournemouth”

I have to add that this seems slightly random as sometimes the backspacing doesn’t work, other times i can type the full city name.
Any ideas?

The page can be found at https://findmystudentdigs.co.uk/slider2.php

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