Synchronisation issues

Wappler Version : 2.2.4
Operating System : Windows 10

Expected behavior

App Structure, Code View and Design View should all be synchronized.

Actual behavior

Quite often, they’re not.

Synchronisation has always been someting of an issue, but I think it’s slightly more of an issue since the last update - at least in some respects. Eg As far as I remember, when applying margins or padding everything usually updates straightaway. However, the discrepancy below remained after saving and refreshing etc… Design view updated instantly, while code view didn’t update. Restarting Wappler usually gets things back on track, but it’s something that seems necessary quite often.

Not a major issue, but it can be confusing sometimes - eg when you upload a modifed file (at least what you thought was a modified file) and no changes are apparent.


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