Target not set up properly when creating a new project

Wappler Version : 5.4.2
Operating System : Mac OS 12.6.1
Server Model: PHP
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: Docker

What do you think should happen?

The database connection should be set up correctly when creating a new docker project.
(sorry if this is a repeat post, I thought I responded to another post about this but couldn’t find it.)

What actually happens?

After creating the new project, the project cannot connect to the database. The database is set up correctly in docker, but the configuration file seems to be incomplete and/or contain elements it shouldn’t. (see attached screenshots under “how to reproduce”)

How to reproduce

Create a new docker project with MySQL database and try to connect. I copied a connection from another working project and that one worked. The working one contains “meta”: {} and the non working one is missing “meta” and contains “databaseType”: “MySQL”


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