When Updating PostGres DB, the Knex file retains previous statuses resulting in failed update due to duplicates

Wappler Version : 3.9.7
Operating System : MAC
Server Model: NODEJS
Database Type: PostGres
Hosting Type: AWS DOCKER

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

Use the DB Manager to add tables, and add schema to tables, and to be able to do multiple updates at once.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

When I add a table and then press the update, if I don’t then entirely refesh the panel and then the schema if I try to do another update and press the update arrow I get errors, such as ‘this table already exists’.

If you then go and look at the actual change file, it’s merged the previous update with the latest update causing a duplicate error as that table/field has actually already been created.

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