Git and Version Control

Wappler includes support with the well known version control system GIT.

Git Remote Repositories

With remote Repositories you can publish your work to remotes site like GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket or Microsoft Azure DevOps Also you can use Remote Git repositories not only for version control but…

Connecting to GitHub, Gitlab or BitBucket

With Wappler you can connect seamlessly your Wappler project to Github, Gitlab or BitBucket repositories. You can push and pull your local project to the selected remote repository. Creating a loca…

Creating a Wappler project based on existing Git Repository

Thanks to Wappler integration with GitHub, Gitlab or BitBucket, now It’s really easy to share Wappler projects between multiple computers or when working in a team. You already know how to Create R…

Git Powers - Going back in time

With the latest update of Wappler, we have polished our git integration based on your feedback. Now you can more easily go back in time by resetting history or just get an old version by doing che…

Git Branches

Branches are multiple different contexts where work happens. Each feature, bugfix, experiment. Having them separately and easily switchable will make your workflow flexible and still very controlla…

Version Control with Git

With the version control options in Wappler you can create a Git repository for every Wappler project you wish to keep track on. Having a repository is great way to have a good backup of all your pr…