AutoComplete Component used for data validation

I realise the auto complete Wappler component is more for people completing a search where it gives suggestions of what is in the database so they can choose an option for search.

However I have an odd situation, my CMS allows my user to upload images to a particular folder, and those uploads are set to overwrite images of the same name.

The site I am working on is rather large and has roughly 20k images used in various parts.

For SEO purposes I want my user to insert an image name with every image upload they perform, this also avoids 5k images being called DSC5678.jpg or whatever the default name is on their device.

I know there is a server side validator, which is great, and i know the error gets passed back client side on submit, and under normal circumstances this would be all I could want, however in this use case scenario as there could be 300 pictures that include an elephant in the name as an example, and my client is bound to choose the same name sooner or later, because there are “only so many words” you could title a picture of an elephant, it could get pretty frustrating, hitting submit, get an error that the image name is used, try another name, and it comes back as used again, until you find one that works.

If the Auto Complete component could start showing whats already used so they can make theirs unique, it would be an ideal tool for me to use to get around this issue, and it already almost works, all i would need it to do, is not remove any input i add that does not match something already there, so basically the same as what it does now, but in exact reverse.

Is there possibly a parameter I could add to stop the delete input text upon no match.

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