Can't seem to deploy to production project...What am i missing?

Hey All,

I usually just have my 1 big app, so don’t deploy new projects much but have built a website for my wife and can’t seem to get this thing deployed…Constantly getting a 404 error and the lets encrypt certification isn’t working:

Its a a Node/Dockler project and i’m deploying via the docker machines to Linode.

The Nameservers are all set up and have changed as the address is pointing to the correct ip address


Firewalls are set up in linode seemingly correctly:

The docker machine is working, the Test Connection works, i am able to deploy without issue:

target settings:

The interanl routing in the project seems fine:


I have also waited over 24 hours to avoid any time sensitive issues with DNS or Lets Encrypt etc.

I’ve also restarted the machine, deleted and started again and restarted wappler etc etc numerous times:

Here’s what happens when i go to the website:
I get a 404 page not found error (also same error if i try any routing variations like

The site also does not have a valid Lets Encrypt cert: ( i did use Portainer and Trafik during the Docker Machine creation)

Apologies for the lengthy post, but i’m not sure what i’m missing here…

Can anyone help?

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