Example Queries - Part 1

Example queries for wappler users (I will update for wappler users in my spare time. )

List databases, tables, columns


  t.table_schema AS 'Database'
  ,t.table_name AS 'Table'
  ,t.table_type AS 'Table Type'
  ,c.column_name AS 'Column'
  ,c.data_type AS 'Data Type'
FROM information_schema.tables t
JOIN information_schema.columns c ON t.table_schema = c.table_schema AND t.table_name = c.table_name
WHERE t.table_schema NOT IN( 'mysql','information_schema')
ORDER BY t.table_schema,t.table_type,t.table_name,c.ordinal_position;

Date of 1st day of last, this, next month
you can find ;

Date of first day of previous month:

concat(left(curdate() - interval 1 month, 8), '-01')

Date of first day of this month:

concat(left(curdate(), 8), '-01')

Date of first day of next month:

concat(left(curdate() + interval 1 month, 8), '-01')

Date of Monday of this week

select adddate(date('2019-06-13'), interval 2-dayofweek('2019-06-13') day ) as 1stdayofweek;

Datetime difference

Find the difference between two datetime values in seconds, minutes, hours or days. If dt1 and dt2 are datetime values of the form ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss’, the number of seconds between dt1 and dt2 is


To get the number of minutes divide by 60, for the number of hours divide by 3600, and for the number of days, divide by 3600 * 24.

Peak visit counts by datetime period

You need visits table (id int, start datetime, end datetime) , if you want to try :slight_smile: and you wish to track peak visit counts.

id | start | end

A simple solution is to self-join on non-matching IDs and overlapping visit times, group by ID, then order by the resulting counts:

SELECT a.id,group_concat(b.id) as Overlaps, count(b.id)+1 as OverlapCount FROM visits a JOIN visits b on a.id < b.id and a.start < b.end and b.start < a.end GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY OverlapCount DESC;

Find Duplicate Rows
SELECT xxx FROM your_table_name GROUP BY xxx HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;

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