[Guide] Installing livereload in your whole project (hot browser refresh)

After following these steps your browser will automatically reload after changing a file:

Step 1. Install the packages

For starting the watching server:
npm install livereload

For inserting the script in the browser:
npm install connect-livereload

Installing livereload in your whole project

Step 1. Install the packages

For starting the watching server:
npm install livereload

For inserting the script in the browser:
npm install connect-livereload

Step 2. Expose the port in your docker compose

Open your docker-compose.yml:
project-name/.wappler/targets/Development local/docker-compose.yml
Note: my dev target is called ‘Development local’ make sure you rename this

Add this line under ports:
- ‘35729:35729’

Step 3. Make a server connect extension

Create the following file JS file: extensions/server_connect/routes/livereload.js

With this code:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { //don't use this on production environment

    const livereload = require('livereload');

    const connectLivereload = require("connect-livereload");

    exports.before = function (app) {

        const extensionsToWatch = [




        const liveReloadServer = livereload.createServer({

            extraExts: extensionsToWatch,

            debug: true



        liveReloadServer.server.once("connection", () => {

            setTimeout(() => { // wait for liveReload protocol to finish handshake

                liveReloadServer.refresh("/"); // refresh browser after starting server

            }, 100);



        liveReloadServer.on('error', (err) => {

            if (err.code == "EADDRINUSE") {

                console.log("The port LiveReload wants to use is used by something else.");






    exports.handler = function (app) {

        app.use(connectLivereload()); // This adds the javascript file to your page when loading the route so you don't need to add it manually



Help needed to make it even faster

I only want nodemon to restart the server with back-end changes.
For front-end changes, I want it to reload the page immediately. Tried the following.
In package.json, removed “views” from the nodemonconfig, so the server doesn’t restart when changing a view.

I made sure nodemon doesn’t restart the server when changing a view by removing it from the config in packages.json
Pasted image 20220423155338

Then I added this code to make it watch the public and views folder.

    liveReloadServer.watch([process.cwd() + '/views', process.cwd() + '/public', 'views', '/views']); 

The livereload server is running and watching the folders, but it doesn’t hot reload.

My best guess is that when I update my local file, it isn’t being updated in the docker volume. Which explains why it’s not reloading.
It does seem possible to create a ‘live link’ to the docker container - as seen here. https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-enable-live-reload-on-docker-based-applications/

But my docker skills are still not good enough to apply this to my wappler project. Any thoughts?

Extra reading:
NPM package
Source for figuring out the above

Community Page
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