How to style active nav item?

Hey all,

I can overwrite the BS5 stylesheet easy enough for :hover but when a user is on a certain page that the nav menu item refers to, I’d like this to show as the active color.

I can’t seem to find any CSS that achieves this. I’ve found some code online that uses JS but I would assume this is possible to do this without?

Essentially what I’m trying to achieve.

Nav menu items - change default color to ‘muted’. Then when hovered to a blue, and when active the same blue.

I’ve tried a few variations, the following works for hover but not active with ‘.navlm’ being my custom class I’m adding to the nav items. I’ve tried to be more specific with ids too but no luck:

.navlm a:active {
color: #011FFD!important;

.navlm:hover {
color: #011ffd!important;
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