Login New User After Registration

I am new with Wappler, so I am just learning the basics; however, I am stuck on something that seems quite simple. I have followed the tutorial for Register New User and Auto Login on Success, but the tutorial seems pretty out of date and hard to follow for a new user of Wappler. Can someone provide some instructions on how you would set up the auto login part after successful registration?

This is where I am right now, I have a registration form setup and when the user clicks the button to submit the form the user is entered into the database without any issue. I have a dynamic event setup on the button to go to the dashboard page upon success. The dashboard page is secured, so a non-logged in user would be redirected to the login page. However, when a new user submits the form they are taken right away to the login page. I assume because the dashboard does not see them as a logged in user. Here are my server actions:

I have attempted to follow the tutorial as close as possible, but something is definitely missing. When I look at the debug, it appears that I am seeing a ‘Status Code 302 / Found’ error. It just looks like my new user is being treated as a logged out user. When the new user is transferred to the login page, if the user’s info is entered there, the login works fine.

Any ideas or does anyone have some better instructions for setting this up correctly? Thanks for your help!

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