Modal does not hide


I am using this code to show and then hide a modal window, but most of the time does not work:

<form is="dmx-serverconnect-form" id="serverconnectform1" method="post" action="dmxConnect/api/test.php" autosubmit="true" dmx-on:start="" dmx-on:done="run({condition:{if:`(( == \'Test message\') || ( == 1))`,then:{steps:{run:{action:`modal1.hide()`}}},else:{steps:{condition:{if:`( == 204)`,then:{steps:[{run:{action:`modal1.hide()`}},{'bootbox.alert':{message:'You are making more requests than allowed. Please wait for a minute before using the tool.',title:'Request rate limit exceeded',buttons:{ok:{label:'OK'}}}},{run:{action:`browser1.goto(\'testpage\')`}}]},else:{steps:{run:{action:`serverconnectform1.submit()`}}}}}}}})">

It seems correct to me, so I do not know why sometimes it works but most of the time it does not.

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