Need Help Debugging DMX Slow Event Execution Issue

In one of my pages in Wappler, I have a conditional region, which has nested conditional region and inside that there is a route.
When both the conditionals are true, & I redirect the page (browser.goto) to the route’s URL, the route opens up correctly.
Inside the route, I have around 3 select (drop down) controls.
Select 1: has its source from a server connect which is auto-load.
Select 2: has its source from another server connect which is NOT auto-load.
Select 3: has fixed number of option items.

On load of route, I bind Select 3 to a specific value. And using the on:update event of select, it calls the server connect for Select 2.

But, for some reason, there is a delay of 2/3/4 seconds, before that update event gets triggered. And this is consistent. This happens every single time.

This is how the network tab looks like:

If someone from the Wappler Team (@Teodor / @patrick) or anyone else can help me debug why there is no activity for 3 whole seconds… and how I can fix this, it would be really helpful.

In the current setup, the user does not even know if the route has finished loading its stuff or not… which is extremely bad UX. Please help.

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